Help for Marital and Family Issues

With today’s hectic pace, couples often experience high levels of stress. There are many different responsibilities in this fast-paced world. Consequently, conflict and tension often lead to communication challenges. Solutions that have worked in the past may not work now. 

When couples experience high levels of stress, the entire family suffers. If a couple has children, they may behave in inappropriate ways, develop problems in school, and more. A couples counselor, like a couples counselor in Palatine, IL, can help couples and families who are experiencing significant and chronic stress, instability, conflict, or ongoing unhappiness.

Marital conflicts

Couples undergo a wide range of responsibilities, challenges, and pressures, regardless of their lifestyles. For instance, there’s the need to earn a living, pay bills, raise children, deal with an extended family, and navigate loss and change. While issues such as these are challenging for one person alone, couples need to meet these needs collaboratively. 

Consequently, the impact of these matters on a couple’s relationship can be overwhelming and challenging to manage without professional help. If you and your partner are dealing with any of the following situations or problems, you would be well-advised to seek the services of a qualified couples counselor.

  • Loss of employment
  • Grief
  • High levels of tension or conflict
  • Trouble communicating with one another
  • One or both partners feel their needs aren’t being met
  • Loneliness
  • Dealing with problems a child or children are having
  • Difficulty coming to decisions both partners can support
  • Financial issues and disagreeing about finances
  • Mixed feelings about maintaining the relationship
  • Sexual dissatisfaction
  • An extra-marital affair
  • Issues with extended family
  • Depression, anxiety, or other mental and emotional problems of one or both partners
  • A pending separation or divorce
  • Needing to plan for shared custody of children

Family issues

Family problems can lead to significant difficulties in school, at work, and in relationships with other people. When stress and burdens become unmanageable, families may benefit from exploring and finding more creative ways to cope with crises or meet day-to-day challenges. If your family unit is navigating any of the following problems or matters, professional help would likely be beneficial:

  • Challenges setting limits for kids
  • Children having difficulties in school
  • Caring for a special needs child
  • Illness of a family member
  • Death of a loved one or family member
  • Addiction or substance abuse of a family member
  • Supporting aging adult family members
  • Siblings with difficulty getting along
  • Separation or divorce

How couples counselors can help

Solving marital or family problems doesn’t have to be a process that takes years. Couples counselors take a problem-oriented approach, which can produce results in a short length of time. Couples counselors see partners who are referred by family members or friends, refer themselves, or are referred by their family doctor or a community agency. 

Couples counselors help couples meet their daily challenges and cope with problems through assessment, therapy, education, and support. Their approach is about solving problems and emphasizing solutions, rather than placing blame. With help, couples can develop practical methods of dealing with one other so they can reach a new level of functioning. Contact an experienced and qualified couples counselor for more information.

Thanks to Lotus Wellness Center for their insight into helping families through couples counseling.