It’s the diet that is seemingly both new and old as time: it is the blue zone diet, and many senior citizens have found longevity through its methods along with nursing services. 

Trademarked by Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Fellow, blue zones are places in the world where people have high rates of life. Including parts of Greece, Italy, and Japan, these areas are notable for their impressively low rate of cancer, heart disease, and other generative issues. 

The following will explore some of the main tenets of the blue zone diet and how they can assist senior citizens around the globe! 

1. Avoid Processed Foods

This is one of the main tenets of the blue zone diet, all of the food they consume is natural and from the earth. It is neither made in a factory nor manufactured in a lab. This occurs because many processed snacks have unhealthy additives such as extra sugar or salt. Thus, to adhere to a blue zone diet, seniors should avoid any packaged or processed snacks. 

2. Add Some Beans

The blue zone diet places a heavy emphasis on legumes, meaning it’s time to stock up on beans! Packed with protein and fiber, beans are a great way to round out a well-balanced diet. The generous portion of fiber is also a great aid in the battle against constipation, which is a major issue for many senior citizens. Thus, as the next generation enter into their golden years, they might want to incorporate some beans to keep them regular. 

3. Use Leafy Greens

This shouldn’t come as a surprise: there is a high correlation between leafy green consumption and longevity. These leaves are teeming with vitamin A, vitamin C, and a whole mess of nutritional value. In fact, according to Dr. Sarah Booth from the Tufts University Nutrition Research Aging Center, “Older adults who consume leafy greens in their diet…have lower risk of developing memory deficits associated with dementia.”

4. Cut Back on Animal Products

A major component of the blue zone diet is an emphasis away from animal products. This is akin to a vegan diet: these diets avoid dairy, red meat, and some white meats. It should be noted that this is not an exclusionary rule: as many seniors would rather not depart with their animal products. In fact, this is more of a guideline of being “vegetable positive” and not “animal product negative.”

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